All zed combos
All zed combos


X9 Greater Glyph of Magic Resist: The generic page is fairly good against AP. X9 Greater Seal of Scaling Health: This is good against AP matchups, but it's also good for a generic and overall page.

all zed combos

These runes scale much better at mid-late when Zed starts to lose his threat. X9 Greater Mark of Lethality: Overall these marks are good for assassins. Unless you're jungle Zed, this spell shouldn't be in one of your two slots. Zed is too reliant on his items for mid lane to take a jungle item anyway.

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You already CS well with your passive, there is really no need for you to take smite in lane. You're a little safer, but late game you won't have as much impact as you would had you taken ignite. Not only does this spell force you to play safe, but it will not help you snowball. Sure, heal might save you from an enemy ignite, but as Zed your mindset is to get the kill first and keep on killing. There's high damage being brewed in the mid lane. Because Ghostblades are just better than regular ghosts. Not to mention Zed's build will most likely have a Youmuu's Ghostblade which replaces ghost all together. If, by some miracle, the target you comboed and ulted survived, ghost is not going to help Zed finish him off for good. Most, if not all, of the not recommended spells will say that it decreases Zed's kill potential and this is not an exception. Taking exhaust in a solo lane, regardless of matchup, hinders your potential for that early kill. But keep in mind, you're only a threat to AD carries if you've done well in your lane and are ahead. Since you're out to get AD carries, this spell would help you do so. I can see some valid points for this spell. The only time you can take this is against Twisted Fate. It also forces you to play safe when cleanse is on cooldown. Having cleanse instead of ignite really takes away Zed's kill potential. His kit already helps him avoid situations like a stun in the first place. However, taking cleanse to avoid that situation as Zed is pointless. Trading in lane, losing or not, can be dealt with without sacrificing a summoner spell slot. There won't be a dire need to have a barrier. Barrier would only hinder Zed because he either kills his target or escapes immediately. Not only does this affect your early and mid game, but if you don't get a kill with teleport early on it'll be all for nothing. A con with this spell is that your kill potential in lane greatly decreases. You might even get a sneaky teleport in and get you and your other lanes snowballing. They know you have teleport and they know you're looking for kills in their lanes whenever a skirmish happens.


A pro with this spell is that it applies pressure on top and bot lanes.

all zed combos

If you're a confident Zed and you're aware of your environment, this summoner spell can be a possibility. Sometimes victims can walk off with very little HP and when that happens you're going to wish you had ignite.


Even if you executed Zed's full combo, having the ignite "just to be sure" can make the difference.

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Having ignite further secures your kills during lane or when you're roaming. Flash has proven time and time again its usefulness and Zed can certainly use it. It's one of the most necessary spells for any champion in League of Legends purely because it can make for a great escape or engage. Zed's playstyle mainly revolves around picking out key targets during teamfights or roaming to seek out anyone who is alone and unsuspecting.įlash adds on to Zed's already evasive kit. His shadow play and quick high damage makes Zed a very dangerous guy to run into if you're by yourself. If Zed had one job, that's to delete the enemy carry. Sometimes I think Zed used to be a support then got sick of bot lane and dedicated his life to killing AD carries. However, it is no secret that Zed's skill cap is high, so this guide is aimed to help you reach your goals. Whether you're in low or high elo, Zed's kit is still effective and deadly. If played correctly, Zed can deliver incredibly high damage during teamfights, map pressure by roaming, and an overall threat to the enemy. Since his release in 2012, Zed has been the pinnacle of nightmares for AD Carries, squishy mages, and those of the like. Show off your mastery and make your flair beautiful! Zed DiscordĪatrox Ahri Akali Alistar Amumu Anivia Annie Aphelios Ashe Aurelion Sol Azir Bard Blitzcrank Brand Braum Caitlyn Camille Cassiopeia Cho'gath Corki Darius Diana Dr.Zed never disappoints to deliver flashy mechanics and that all around assassin feel when playing League of Legends.

All zed combos